Your Ultimate Guide To Finding The Perfect Pair Of Glasses
We’ve all been there – staring up at a wall of glasses or scrolling through a website with literally thousands of options, faced with the challenge of making that huge choice. Finding the right pair of glasses is not easy.
You started down this road because you need glasses to see the world clearer, and you’re now faced with a decision that will literally change the way the world sees you.
Believe it or not, it’s actually pretty easy to narrow down your options and make an informed decision based on your face shape, eye color and skin tone – making choosing a new pair of glasses a fun and exciting experience, rather than an exhausting one full of doubt.
Well – Good news! We’re about to break this all down to help you streamline your hunt for the perfect pair of glasses.
How To Determine Your Face Shape
Identifying your face shape is your first step to choosing the perfect pair of frames to suit your face. Typically speaking you want to create some contrast between the shape of your face and the glasses you choose.
For example: For a Round face shape, you’d be best to choose a more angular frame.
Another consideration is the size of the frames you choose. You’ll want to choose a pair that is appropriately proportional to your face. It’s important to note that Sunglasses tend to be larger than Optical glasses in order to provide greater coverage from the sun – meaning those cool shades you love are not necessarily a good barometer for the size your optical frames should be.
Below are the four most common face shapes:
The Round Face
Features: This face shape is identified with full cheeks and a rounded chin with the length and width of the face being similar.
Best Frame Shape: Angular, rectangular, or oversized frames are great for complimenting your face shape, creating the appearance of a slimmer and longer face.
Off The Rack: Wayfarer, Cateye, Square
Frames To Avoid: Round, Rimless and small frames will make your face appear more rounded.
The Square Face
Features: Prominent jawline and very prominent features, your forehead and jaw are approximately the same width.
Best Frame Shape: Soften your sharp angles with oval or round frames, frames with soft curves or rimless glasses. It’s best to choose a pair of glasses that sit high on the bridge of your nose.
Off The Rack: Round, Aviator, Shield
Frames To Avoid: You guessed it – Boxy or Angular frames are best avoided.
The Heart Shaped Face
Features: High cheekbones, broad forehead, and a narrow, pointed chin.
Best Frame Shape: Frames that are wider at the top will flow well with the shape of your face. Frames that have bold bottom lines are complementary as they will add width to the more narrow part of your face. Round or Square frames with rounded edges will help draw attention away from a broad, high forehead.
Off The Rack: Wayfarer, Cateye, Sport
Frames To Avoid: You want to draw attention downward on your face. Avoid frames that do the opposite, such as frames with embellished tops or decorated temples.
The Oval Face
Features: Your face has balanced features with high cheekbones. Your chin is narrower than your forehead, but not quite as pointed than the heart shaped face.
Best Frame Shape: Lucky you – you can pretty much pull off any round or square shaped frame.
Off The Rack: Wayfarer, Aviator, Oversized
Frames To Avoid: Your face has a nice symmetrical balance. Make sure not to cover that up by choosing frames that are too large and take up half your face.
The Diamond Face
Features: You have one of the rarest face shapes. Your face is narrow at the eyeline and jawline, finished off with nice broad and dramatic cheekbones.
Best Frame Shape: Work with your great features, choosing frames that swoop upward or are broader than your cheekbones will work very well here.
Off The Rack: Cat-eye, Oval, Rimless
Frames To Avoid: Boxy and narrow frames will draw attention to your prominent cheekbones rather than compliment and accentuate your best features.
Mixing It Up
You may find that you don’t fit into one of these exact categories. Well, of course not – we all have unique features and face shapes. It’s just as likely that you are a mix of some of these face types. Use your best judgement to take tips from here based on the features you do have. The rules will still apply.
Playing With Color And Tones
When choosing which colors will work best to complement your natural colors and tones, there are a few key factors to take into consideration: Skin Tone, Hair Color, Eye Color.
Now, naturally, as we proceed below you may find some conflicting advice. For example, you may have a darker skin tone and a light hair color.
It’s best to take note of colors that work for each of the features you’re looking to either complement or enhance and find a balance to which color choices for your frames will help you to achieve your desired look.
Skin Tone
Depending on how loud or expressive your hair is, this is likely your primary consideration when choosing the color of your new glasses.
Light – Warm Undertones
Features: Peachy with Green and Yellow Undertones
Best Choices: Hemlock, Olive, Plum
Light – Cool Undertones
Features: Pinkish with Blue Undertones
Best Choices: Blues & Rosy Pinks
Medium – Warm Undertones
Features: Yellow and Green Undertones
Best Choices: Tortoise or Amber Fade, Greens similar to Fern
Medium – Cool Undertones
Features: Pink and Blue Undertones
Best Choices: Blue Greens, Blue Merle, Champagne
Dark – Warm Undertones
Features: Yellow and Gold Undertones
Best Choices: Brindle Fade, Hemlock, metallic like Granite
Dark – Cool Undertones
Features: Blue Undertone
Best Choice: Onyx, Cadet, and Malt. Greens like Fern also work.
Hair and Eye Color
Hair color can have a huge impact on the way your glasses look on your face – especially for those who have long, voluminous, or dramatic hair. Your eye color may not play a huge factor in your choice for eyewear, however this is a great opportunity to really make those pearls pop.
Your Key Takeaway:
I know you may be thinking – “Wait a second, didn’t you say this would help make my decision easier? This is a lot of stuff!”
Well, that’s true. But these are considerations you can think about prior to shopping for your new frames and will help get you in the right mindset. One of the biggest problems people have when shopping for new specs is that they become overwhelmed by the choices – while at the same time struggling to adjust to the mental shock of seeing their face with a new pair of glasses on.
You know that it’s going to take you a bit of time to get used to the way you look in a new pair of glasses. But, now you have the tools to override that internal panic and know that you’re making an awesome choice and a bold new look.
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