Why Your Back to School Checklist Should Include Kids’ Prescription Eye-glasses
Listen carefully and you’ll hear the sounds of summer building to crescendo. Your kids are laughing and playing, sleeping late and taking full advantage of every day of freedom.
It’s all about to end because school will be starting soon. You’re probably more excited than anyone about that, but before you start doing the happy dance, consider the checklist of back to school tasks that has to be tackled before September arrives. There’s school enrollment, new clothes and school supplies, to name just a few.
That checklist should also include new kids’ prescription eyeglasses if your child has been wearing optical eyewear. The reasons for this are simple.
Growing spurts
Do you ever feel like you put your kids to bed at night only to find that by morning their jeans are inches shorter and their shoes no longer fit?
The same can be true with kids’ prescription eyeglasses. The eyewear your son or daughter used last year or even last week may now be too small, creating discomfort. You know kids are less likely to want to wear their eyeglasses if the arms put pressure on their temples or the bridge is too tight.
That means it’s time for new frames, and Ray Ban Junior offers kids a huge selection of trendy styles and colors.
New trends
Another reason for new frames is that last year’s eyeglasses are so . . . last year. If your child is fashion-conscientious, new frames may be just the thing to jazz up a school wardrobe. Adding that pop of fashion style is especially appropriate is school uniforms are the order of the day.
Fantastic frames can create a unique look, and luxury designers of kids’ prescription eyewear like Polo Prep can help with creating an individual look.
Establishing priorities
By putting kids’ prescription eyewear on your back to school checklist, you are making a point that good vision is important for academics. The focus on being able to see well is one that won’t be missed, especially if you include an eye exam and shopping for new frames as part of your family’s back to school ritual every year.
As your children get older, you may find them enjoying designer kids’ prescription eyewear like X Games and Candies.
And what if your child hasn’t needed optical eyewear? Stay in touch with teachers as the school year gets under way; often educators are the first ones who notice that there might be a vision problem.
In the meantime, remember that wearing sunglasses for eye protection is just as important as keeping up with kids prescription eyewear.
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